Tuesday, January 10, 2012


stuck at home these days with all the wet weather, which was quite surprising after literally daaaaaaaays of sunshine. What hasn't quite disappeared were actually the strong winds though, an umbrella's ability is critically dampened everytime I head out to get lunch, which coincidentally, the rain gets heavier as soon as I step out into the rain. ........ *hopes* for a combo breaker now D:

Chinese New Year is round the corner, with only like one+ week more AND enlistment's coming soon too, with about 20 days left in my comfort home before I get shipped to Tekong, literally.

Computer games are getting increasingly boring, I wonder why... Perhaps the years of grinding on certain monsters for exp finally took its toll as I just can't picture myself, now, sitting down and killing a monster tens of thousands of time just to level up once and continue the process. SO, nope, no more MMORPGs for me for now. I'd prefer some strategic RPGs, offline or so, turn based or SRPGs but I'm rather contented by SHMUPS games for me. Basically, SHMUPS stands for shoot em' up games which preferred by me, are bullet hells. So games like Touhou tends to get my hyped up just to clear a stage or to capture certain spellcards. Typically, bullet hell games is kind of like you having a large game screen and the bullets just fill the entire screen in a certain pattern and all you got to do would be to dodge them since you'll be dead in a single hit. R-type was hard enough for a single life shooter game and bullet hells just takes them to the whole new level. How I wish there was a remake for R-type on PC :X really did loved that game.

Spotted this picture over at animesuki forums, which I'm getting very excited about.

Weiss Schwarz Madoka Magica!!!!! I was honestly disappointed when I first saw the Madoka series being on Precious Memories, since I don't really like that card series, even Chaos TCG looks better than Precious Memories IMO. Will definitely get my hands on this series as well xD

Though I have yet to actually play WS, their artwork proves to me that collecting them would be awesome as well. Just getting foils and stuff really intrigues me :D So now I have been collecting the Angel Beats! series, which was *unfortunately*, paired up with Kud Wafter, so hopefully the madoka series would be a standalone :)

Restarted the resketch after some editing to the original illustration and I'm currently finishing it, about 1 more day would do, so I'll upload the completed RS as soon as I complete it.

The horror series: "Another", has recently begun airing, at first glance at its very 1st episode, it really lifts up one's expectations that this is going to be a rather great show. The bgms were placed nicely to create the ghostly atmosphere and a bunchload of secrets were all thrown in very quickly. Looking at how it turned out to be, I'm rather satisfied.

Similarly, Nisemonogatari had started airing as well. I'm really glad I'm able to watch a sequel to such a wonderful and amazingly unique anime series. Sure, dialogues mainly fill up the show but with their perky animations and wonderful characters, its a sure watch for me! I'm still wondering though, was Bakemonogatari so much dependent on FS? definitely there are but their in a kinda different way than the other series WHICH is why I like the -monogatari series. Would see how it goes and I'm still waiting for BRS to air!!! The PV was totally kickass :P

Honestly, staying at home is really mundane, hopes for good weather to start heading out again! :)

Just 2 Madoka MADs I'll leave here for today, both are really well made :) Enjoy!

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