Monday, January 17, 2011

Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu 2

Welcome, to another year of a wonderful class with burning photos with fire on your table is treated as a norm.

Hitoha's expression while holding hands with Gatchi Red was of a norm too. Was surprised that the cameraman didn't actually freak out when he saw that. Being overprotective of that photo and avoiding Mitsuba, the occult-loving classmate sprang into action and judged the photo to be cursed. Finding another photo to be a scapegoat didn't turn out good, even if she tried to point to herself in the photo and said that it was cursed. Too bad it didn't work and her photo got purified into ashes.

Horse-riding fitness machines do seem similar to those children rocking machines but Mitsuba was more worried about her weight gain than thinking off it's resemblance and when acknowledging the fact that a small girl like her would never be able to afford it, she cleverly chooses a free and easy alternative. Futaba. Riding on your sister isn't something kids should learn and running at top speed with your sister on top of you isn't recommended either. The Futaba weight-loss machine is designed not to have any brakes and Mitsuba had to do a X-styled stop in an aisle to protect her pride of being seen riding on her F1 speed sister.

Christmas has arrived and poor Yabe is alone, again. Having tried to invite the school nurse, Kuriyama sensei over, the accidental loss of her specs made her view Yabe as a mortally wounded individual with red clothing depicted as blood and the invitation failed terribly. Poor poor Yabe gets to celebrate his christmas night alone with a homemade doll that burned up when it collapsed on his christmas cake. Talk about pitying...

With the triplet's dad not being able to make it to being Santa this year again, Mitsuba and Hitoha decide that they should get Yabe to stand in as Santa. Similar to last year, Futaba locked her grip on Yabe's santa suit, forcing him to get stripped down to his underwear just to escape from being found. Yabe must be the must unlucky guy now, even as compared with Touma (from Index), where he was in his underwear in front of 2 small girls and their protective father was back. And for the poor suspected lolicon, Yabe returns to his home on christmas night, injured and in his underwear. Poor guy =(

Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu 1

it's not midway, nor was it near the end, but at the beginning, we're viewing what Hitoha likes to watch, Gachi Rangers.

Unlike any other Power Rangers, Gachi Rangers are EXCEPTIONALLY phail. Yeah, phail.

According to Hitoha, the episode just had to be THAT bad when Futaba and Mitsuba decided to watch Hitoha's favourite show with her.

Like any typical Power Rangers, the evil dude would send some monster down to wreck havoc which in Gachi's case, it was a crab aiming to bubble kids to death ._.

So, here's the list of the few epic scenes:

Phail 1: Apparently to the Gachi Rangers, having a secret base about 30 meters above ground level is considered to be secret. *facepalm X 1*

Phail 2: A informative Blue Gachi Ranger gets lost in his own town. *facepalm X 2*

Phail 3: A 30minute time bomb was set off (which was way enough time to throw it elsewhere) , Red Gachi Ranger and Yellow Gachi Ranger had a dispute over which wire to cut since the 2 available choices are Red or Yellow wires. The Red wire is cut and the bomb explodes, creating fatalities in the kindergarten. *facepalm X 3*

Phail 4: Pink Gachi Ranger infiltrates the school bus and takes on the crab who plans to hijack the bus, but was clumsy with the wheel and the bus falls off a cliff before exploding. Fatalities again. *facepalm X 4*

Phail 5: A typical large cannon from the 5 Gachi Rangers is just a magnifying glass which helps in concentrating the sunlight onto the enemy. *facepalm X 5*

With Mitsudomoe being a rather successful comedy, it was indeed hilarious even though 90% of the episode was featuring the Gachi Rangers. Seriously, it couldn't get any far worse than that if there were really Gachi Rangers in reality...

Hitoha didn't like how the episode turned out to be either and was exceptionally pissed about how it had turned THAT bad. Next week we should be getting back the triplets screentime with their own hilarious antics.

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