Monday, January 10, 2011

Beelzebub 1

This was disappointing for the debut of the anime-version. Animation quality wasn't that good and it held not much feel of any urge to continue with the series unlike the manga. True enough, the manga is hilarious, stupid in their ways but entertaining nonetheless. Yet, the anime didn't really bring out such qualities of the manga.

Firstly, the animation quality wasn't that good IMO. Beel didn't looked that cute as compared to the manga and the episode didn't leave much lingering urge to be filled for the rest of the series. Things seemed rushed at first, with little come-and-go on their light jokes that were supposedly funny. Honestly, the only scene that i really did laugh out, was Hilda tugging Beel away from Oga whilst Oga feeling all happy with the child of the demon king sticking to him.

Leaving the negative note aside...

Oga. A delinquent. Introduced with a baby peeing on top of his head. A fountain.

Now that's some epic introduction for a main protagonist of a series. 2 to be exact, with Demon King's son, Beelzebub.

Hearing just "a huge man floating down the river" was already shocking for Oga's best buddy, Furuichi. Well, wait till he hears "the man splitting in half". For a transportation demon, its, well, natural in a sense, for Alaindelon to split in half for dimension transport and apparently, a glance at Oga standing high above people whom he beat the hell out, kneeling down before him, made Alaindelon split open to reveal the not-so-cute Beelzebub. Who gets attached to Oga immediately after Oga nearly scaring him half dead (for any other babies).

Babies being separated from their parents would take the initiative to cry, but with Beel, it comes with a bonus shock of his demon powers.

Soon after, a demon maid arrives by the name of Hildegarde, Hilda for short. Her aim, was to re-collect Beel whom Oga coincidentally dislikes. Due to Oga's pride of having a demon's child clinging on him, the mini tug-of-war ended with Oga's win and Hilda chases on, only to be disturbed by other punks and causing Beel to start a tantrum. AND it wasn't any ordinary tantrum with him throwing sparks all over until Oga stops him from crying which was deemed impossible by Hilda.

With Oga's ability to tame Beel, the currently-unfortunate-dude now has a baby to look after.

Animation quality really lacked a lot here, hope that they would improve in the later few episodes. Probably wouldn't be following this series for long.

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