Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi 2

for Ryoushi, who had overcame the fear of being looked at by the people in Otogi Bank, was however, still having the same habit in front of the others. Incidentally, when not being stared at, he is actually quite a skilled hunter, which was shown in the episode.

Unfortunately for Ryoushi, Ryouko still does not see him as a potential target for a relationship but still accepts him as being her shield which was at least better than nothing. Ringo and Ryoushi went home together and on the way, Ringo asks Ryoushi the reasons for him falling for Ryouko. Ryoushi told her the exact same thing as he told Ryouko, that she was cool and strong but Ringo knows that those were attributes that do not compliment girls at all. Ryoushi however added on that he thinks of Ryouko as a different personality as her outer strong self and that she seems to be a totally opposite person on the inside. Late in the night, Ryouko spots two cute dogs waiting outside of a shop and looking around to see if there was anyone she knew, she went forward and patted them after making sure there wasn't anyone. However, the two dogs belonged to Ryoushi and he was the one who had spotted Ryouko patting them and the duo seems to like Ryouko alot. Back in the dorms, Ringo tells Ryouko that Ryoushi is actually quite sharp to have noticed that Ryouko does seem to be two different self in one body. Ignoring Ringo's comments, Ryouko goes off to sleep first to rest for the next day. A new cilent had came to the Otogi Bank, requesting to look for Ryouko which she tells her that she has a very violent boyfriend and she hopes that Ryouko would be able to free her from his clutches. Ryouko accepts the requests and goes off to the meeting point with Ryoushi. The duo were however ambushed by the cilent's boyfriend and were outnumbered by his subordinates. Ryoushi tries to protect Ryouko and takes a heavy blow to the head, resulting in him being powerless as Ryouko was captured and taken away. As the other members of the Otogi Bank became worried about them after quite some time had passed, an injured Ryoushi returns to explain the situation. In the enemy's territory, Ryouko herself actually hopes that she can depend on someone one day and with that in mind, her cellphone rings and the boss picks it up. Ryoushi was on the line and warns them about their danger and fires projectiles from the shadows after equipping a catapult to his left arm. As a trained hunter, Ryoushi's aiming were exceptionally accurate and had taken out most of the other enemies and the whole of Otogi Bank came down to assist as well. It turns out that the two dogs had followed Ryouko's scent to her location and Ryouko's Neko Knuckles are now being upgraded to Neko Taser Knuckles that emit electricity upon contact. Teaming up with Ryoushi, Ryouko defeats the boss but he wasn't totally knocked out and manages to remove the Neko Knuckles from Ryouko and binding her. Ryoushi steps forward and faces off with him one-on-one and defeats him in the end before he himself succumb to the injuries that he had been dealt by the boss. Back in the Otogi Bank, Ryoushi's old habit seemed to have worked up again and feels all uneasy after Ryouko stared at him. Turns out it might take a long time before he can discard it.

near the end, there was like some kind of mastermind behind the planning of the plots to "defeat" the Otogi Bank? hopefully this series isn't going too far into the mastermind thing though, would prefer if they remain as a love comedy kind of series... Ryoushi did looked quite cool with him helping Ryouko from behind the shadows and him facing off with the boss was cool as well, seems like love can overcome his phobia... heh... and i'm now loving the Neko Knuckles even more :D imprinting injury!

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