Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sawa-chan's old high school days as a rocker was "revived" once again in the 10th episode of K-ON!!

As a homeroom teacher, Sawa-chan had became more tired after taking care of the students in school and is lucky enough to rest in the music room with the girls. Ritsu then suggested Sawa-chan to tell the others about her high school days but Sawa-chan was against it as she imagines her students to become like her as well, taking her personality as an example. Then, Sawa-chan receives a call and hurriedly leaves the music room. As the girls heard Sawa-chan asking why the caller had called her when she's in school, they began to follow her. Azusa wasn't that IN to "stalk" Sawa-chan but apparently the others are and Mugi was exceptionally enthusiastic. Away from Sawa-chan's view, the girls await the caller's appearance and Mio thinks that it was alright for Sawa-chan if she has something to hide from the others. However, with those words, the others think that Mio's in love as well as was hiding something from them. Mio then tells them that light music is currently her love which the others think that it was a great sentence. The caller then appeared to be a woman and leads Sawa-chan to a restaurant which the girls followed as well. Once in the restaurant, Yui accidentally dropped her guitar but before Sawa-chan turned to look, the female caller diverted her attention. However, after seeing her kept looking behind her, Sawa-chan decides to look behind her but sees nothing as the girls are lying flat on their seats. After Sawa-chan leaves, Yui tells everyone that she recognises the female caller and it was one of Sawa-chan's classmate. The classmate, Norimi, knows of the girls' presence and brings them elsewhere to have a chat. She borrows Yui's guitar and Azusa is amazed at how skilled she was. Mugi also took the chance to order some food she had never seen before and was slightly disappointed as she imagined it to be a little "thorny". Norimi tells the girls that one of their previous classmate was going to be married and she wants the Death Devil band to perform but Sawa-chan wasn't really up for it. The girls then discussed a plan outside the class after Mugi got the chance to send everyone out of class and Ritsu worries about the intense training promised by Norimi if they failed to get Sawa-chan to perform. In the end, the girls took the place of Sawa-chan and performed during the wedding and Sawa-chan was shocked to see the girls all dressed up as some rocker. After Yui repeatedly played the wrong note, Sawa-chan ignored the fact that people from the school are watching her or that her nice teacher image was going to be ruined and went onto stage and retook her own position. After the performance, Sawa-chan somehow regretted ruining her image but it seems like the other students still like her "cool" side as well and it didn't turn out as bad as it seemed.

Sawa-chan was really wild in her high school days and had a real personality change when she took Yui's guitar and played professionally while she was still wearing her high heels... oh well, a rocker Sawa-chan is great too :D

Yui's gone T.T argh, i want GirlDeMo's vocalists back~~~~~

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