Thursday, June 24, 2010

although it was already nearing their final exams, Yui still wanted to go on a training camp and was well supported by everyone, including Azusa, but Mio wasn't really supportive of the idea. And so the girls went to Yui's house to discuss more ab0ut the training camp and in the end, they decided to go to a Summer Music Festival and coincidentally, a mysterious appearance of Sawa-chan out of nowhere had brought the girls the tickets to the festival. The festival was held in the mountains and thus, there were bus services to bring the public there and everyone was quite surprised to see Yui arriving earlier than them, but was even more surprised when they see Sawa-chan's condition which she went drinking the night before and had not slept at all. Both Sawa-chan and Yui were knocked out in the bus with the lack of sleep and bad with vehicles respectively and when they finally reached their destination, there were already tons of people there, all waiting for the festival to begin. In the whole venue, there are many different stages where different bands will be performing and Mio had already carefully picked 0ut what she'd want to hear from the different stages the night before. Sawa-chan then miraculously revived and told the girls to be prepared for the intense heat during the festival and then the group headed out to their first stage. After the first band started performing for quite some time, Sawa-chan left to a indoor stage to go wild in there, Mio then dragged Ritsu to another stage to watch another band and Mio was totally attracted to the fact that there was a left handed member in the band. Soon, Mugi, Azusa and Yui went to locate some food and both Mugi and Yui were deeply disappointed when the food that they were looking forward in eating was already sold out. After taking a break to have lunch, Mio told the rest that she'd go and get some food but returned after purchasing a T-shirt of the band with the left handed member and without food. Luckily enough, Sawa-chan had already purchased food for the girls and heading to them in the meantime. This year, even with sunscreen, Azusa still became all tanned and when the girls laid of the grass patch to listen to the soft music around the mountains, they decide to have a goal together to perform in this summer festival one day.

Mugi seems more hyped up in this season as compared to the previous, and was all enthusiastic on eating Yakisoba which in the end, turns out to be sold out and Yui even threw a small tantrum after her food was sold out too. Mio was also captivated by all the left handed musicians and Ritsu seems to be happy for her after seeing Mio enjoying herself during the festival. So other than Budokan, this was another goal for them and i certainly agree with them that it would be great if they all remained as a band even after they grew up. =)

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