Wednesday, April 14, 2010

K-On!! epi 2 had Mugi all mesmerised with a polisher that simply makes objects shiny... and she was amazed by it...

anyways, Yui seems to be unable to wake up, no matter how hard the others try to call her up. Even after teaming up and telling Yui that there was cake to eat, the moment where Yui wakes up to check lasted only a while. Then came in Sawa-chan who asks Ritsu to return the animal costumes they had used previously. The girls then followed Ritsu where she kept it in the storeroom and risked her life after the things started toppling down after she retrieved the animal costumes. Due to that, Mio suggest to the others to start cleaning the room out as the storeroom was actually filled up with personal belongings. All of them started to clean up the storeroom and brought back their own personal belongings, until Yui discovers a guitar case containing an old guitar, which turns out to be Sawa-chan's old guitar. Azusa actually intended to let Sawa-chan teach her some guitar skills but backed out when Yui shows her the "bad" image of Sawa-chan in the past. She then decides to ask the girls to pawn the guitar as it would be better if another person can play it since she doesn't have the time to play the guitar anymore. On the way to bring the heavy guitar case to the guitar shop, Mio suggested to the others to get the club a shelf to keep the room more tidy and they head to the home center. Mugi was facinated by the store and was exceptionally interested in a polish that claims to make things shiny,which started her on a sparkling spree through the rest of the episode. Then everyone started to act like kids, with Yui pretending to hold a gun when it was actually an electric screwdriver, and Ritsu with a helmet and shone the light into Mio's eyes. Yui later finds Azusa staring at a turtle which she finds cute. After successfully purchasing the shelf, the girls reached the guitar store and had the guitar examined. The salesperson then come to a conclusion that they will buy the guitar for 500,000 yen which shocked the girls. It was due to the guitar being a very valuable guitar and it was an ancient guitar which led to the high price. The girls then went to think about what complements they could buy if they split the money between them. It was then in the next day when Sawa-chan came into the music room and asked Ritsu about how much the guitar had fetched. Ritsu told her that it was 10,000 yen at first but when Sawa-chan asked for the receipt, Ritsu had no choice but to take it out and attempted to swallow it. After Sawa-chan managed to make Ritsu spit it out, she decides to use the money to buy one particular thing for the girls, with Yui being asked to be slapped by that large amount of money and feel blessed ._. On the way home, Ritsu sees Azusa feeling kinda sad and would have liked it if there were freshmen for the club and after some discussion, Yui decides to buy the turtle that Azusa had stared at at the home center. It however turns out to be Yui who was the one who thought that the turtle was cute and Azusa wasn't really interested in it but still does not dislike it and with that, the turtle became a new addition to the club.

it was pretty epic to have Mugi polishing things all shiny and then feel amazed by it... and i certainly did loled when all Yui wanted to do with the money was just to get Ui to slap her with the stack of money... shouldn't she be thinking about some complements for her instruments or smth? but slapped by money!? ._. it was a funny episode nonetheless, Ritsu swallowing the receipt was plain epic too...

P.S. Mio with ponytail looks equally great on her too

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