Monday, March 3, 2014

Shocking progress

After the latest episode of Tokyo Ravens, I am surprised, shocked, and sad to see one of the main characters biting the dust.

Well for some series there is always the possibility of a deus ex machina occurring when a main protagonist dies and for some which don't, namely Shin Sekai Yori and Valvrave, the story becomes more "real" in the aspect and of course, the audience will start to feel similar feelings as in the series itself, after all we have been looking at this character for like 20 episodes since it began to air.

And the person in question was Tsuchimikado Natsume. I didn't actually catch the death flags of her right at the start of the episode... There were flashbacks but the thought of her dying in the series totally did not occur to me at all. In the first place, the series was moving at a pace where it didn't quite seem possible for any of the main protagonist to die, furthermore with their light-hearted atmosphere, until now. After all those moments where Natsume wanted to reveal the truth about Hokuto and Harutora deciding to stop chasing the matter after his monologue midway in the series, the final chance was given for the revelation, but not only did she fail to tell him the truth but also loses her life to protect Harutora. Well at least she did manage to confess her love for Harutora right at the end, but seeing how she was "acquainted" with Hokuto once again with Harutora screaming out to her in the background, it was really painful to see how she had shared the same fate as Hokuto and wasn't able to hear Harutora's answer for her confession. 

There is always a possibility of the series having an anime original ending, because if they did follow the novel plot (which I spoiled myself after watching this episode), then this series will definitely leave a long lasting memory of one that had such a plot twist. 4/5 more episodes to go so we'll see how it goes, and while in the meantime... those feels T__T

shall see how the novel actually describes this portion of the plot... so it's time to head down to kino again soon! :X


Saw this trailer of Hitsugi no Chaika,

seems interesting, didn't include that in the previous entry so I guess I'm gonna follow this too. From BONES as well, which of course gave the deja vu on darker than black. THAT sniper rifle @_@


And.... finally got my first gaming mouse from the recent IT show :D budget type so I shall see how long this will last. since it's gonna be used for dota so I'm guessing it won't be long haha

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