Thursday, September 12, 2013

AFA 2013 & Fall 2013 Charts

AFA Main Website

And the details are finally out! Same as the past years, this year AFA would be a 3 day event, with Anisong concerts on all 3 days, and said to be minimal exhibition on Friday and the usual Saturday and Sunday with stage activities. For this year's AFA Anisong concert, the lineups are pretty much the usual for Saturday, with exceptions on both Friday and Sunday.

Friday's Anisong concert seems more catered to the Nico Nico side with Egoist, DJs Hachioji P and livetune. and also motsu X DJ Kaya. Among them, I'm less familiar with the Hachioji P and the final 2 but the other 2 are rather well known to me. For Egoist, her highlight would be presumably Guilty Crown songs, like the OP and perhaps she might cover Psycho Pass's ED song as well, maybe, just maybe, supercell would tag along? Who knows? :) Every miku fan would be familiar with livetune with the Google Chrome's Tell Your World song. Since he's not exactly a singer, I would guess that he'll be remixing Miku songs on the stage? Looking at his performance in Japan, I'm guessing it would be something like this?

Saturday's Anisong lineup would consist of Eir Aoi, the vocals behind SAO's 2nd OP Innocence, the all familiar LiSA and May'N. With only 3 singers taking the stage on saturday, it could posssibly be a rather good concert with more songs being sung by each singer.

What caught my eye was the Sunday's lineup, which instead of a normal anisong concert, it has been named as "Valvrave Night". And of course this year's AFA featured anime would be Kakumeiki Valvrave. Well that wasn't surprising after seeing how prominent the singers they found for their OP song. And of course the singers of the OP would be coming as well, with not just T.M. Revolution and Nana Mizuki (NANAAAAA! :DD) but angela as well. For all these 3 singers, as a fan of Nana Mizuki, she's finally coming to Singapore! YAY! :) Going for this day would mean an extra bonus from angela and T.M. as well so why not? My only "worry" now is that the 3 day VIP package for this anisong concert would be available for sale 2 weeks ahead of the normal 1 day VIP tickets, which would of course mean that most of the seats would be already taken up by the people purchasing 3 day VIPs. Well, I would just have to see the available seatings during the sale date itself. If it's still alright, then I'll just go for the VIP if not then just the normal standard would do.

For the event tickets, this years ticket pricing remains the same for the Event + Stage ticket, at $20 per day while the event only ticket has increased from $8 to $10. Sunday's E+S ticket would be included already in the anisong ticket so I would only have to purchase the saturday's one... Will have to see the stage activities before buying the stage access. Based on past experience, perhaps just the normal event ticket would suffice for the saturday's one.

That's all for now, so yup, looking forward to this years AFA experience! :)

Fall 2013 Anime Chart

Click here for full chart

It does seem that there's this trend of good anime series being aired close to the end of the year, and of course, this year's isn't any exception. So among all, here's a couple of them that caught my attention:

Nagi no Asukara

Seems like a slice-of-life series coupled with romance and a little supernatural elements? Not quite sure about the supernatural part but the art and music looks and sounds good too.

Log Horizon

1st thought that came into my mind was "wa? another SAO?" truthfully speaking, this series does have some rather heavy SAO similarities. Adapted from its own novel, it is a story about players of a MMORPG getting whisked away into another world similar to the game that they play. Now that sounds rather similar isit it? Wouldn't mind to see another "gamer perspective" type of anime series but I think I'm rather sure that this wouldn't be close to the reality of SAO itself, with its own menus and logout options and stuff like that.

Galilei Donna

An original anime series by A-1 Pictures. Seems to focus on the descendants of the Galileo Galilei, seems rather mysterious at this point in time, but mystery animes are always good to go.

Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season

Well, its about time they begin to explain whatever that happened over in the 1st season. So many questions left unanswered and so many new elements that were added in that made no sense. C'mon Ichiro Okouchi, please let me feel the same impact from this original story near the same level of Code Geass! :)

Tokyo Ravens

Similar to Log Horizon, I had a sense of nostalgia from Ga-Rei after watching the PV. Adapted from the light novel, the story revolves around the descendent of a certain occult practitioner who does not have the ability to see spirit energy, only to reunite with his childhood friend who is the next one to succeed his group.   Supernatural series? Definitely watching this!

Strike the Blood

1st impression as usual: Darker than Black... people with supernatural abilities? Animation wise, it looks promising too. And its the usual demon + slayer type of combination so I guess the storyline could be rather mundane

Kyoukai no Kanata

One of the most promising series in this upcoming season, and it's finally an action packed series by KyoAni! Their previous work on Chuunibyou got my tricked over its own preview that it was a kind of supernatural series, turns out to be a cute romance series that nonetheless was still great in that aspect. Definitely watching this too.

Little Busters ~Refrain~

And of course, the much awaited 2nd season of Little Busters! Possibly following the footsteps of Clannad, this season will unveil the true world that Riki had vision of in the 1st season. I don't expect the craziness and the happy atmosphere to continue long enough in Refrain and I bet many tear-jerker moments will be included in that. Definitely ready for the revelation of the true world of Little Busters!


The preview has been hanging around since 2 years ago and now finally after a couple of OVAs, its time for its TV series to arrive! Really unique animation style and storyline.

BlazBlue Alter Memory

Finally after so long, BlazBlue is getting its own anime series! Having finished their game in story mode, I can say that the game does have the potential to become a rather good quality anime series, unless they try to focus more on the character vs character battles which I believe will destroy the series, just follow the storyline and it'll be fine. Am still waiting for God Eater to be adapted too, that has an amazing storyline too so if BlazBlue has been adapted, I'm guessing it wouldn't be long before God Eater gets one too.


And to end it off, here's a cute song from Nisemonogatari, Platinum Disco

and not forgetting the dance itself too. well the harmonica is awesome too :)

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