Monday, September 23, 2013

MJP. A hero has been born.

Hitachi Izuru - A New Hero

From the very start, this series had a rather unique feel as compared to other mecha series. As compared to series like Eureka Seven or even the Gundam Franchise, this series stood out as an action-packed but yet filled with numerous punchlines, and not forgetting our 5 main lovable protagonist that "grew" as time went by, from the Zannen Five to the heroes that saved the world. At first glance, this series reminded me of Macross Frontier, in terms of not just their plot but also in terms of their mecha animation sequences.

At the beginning, this series started off with our 5 protagonist being labelled as the Zannen Five due to their absolute lack of teamwork and adaptivity but were chosen as a team due to their extremely high aptitudes. There were part of an academy that trains them to become pilots of device units by nurturing them from young and removing of all past memories from them. The five were later given new units called the AHSMB and begun their small missions through protecting satellites, restoring some of them and infiltrating enemy bases which resembled aliens. Little did we know that all these were just a distraction or a disguise to what is in store for the series as a whole. The real plot finally begun right after the 5 of them graduated from their school and the fight for humanity begins.

It was later revealed that their enemy, the Wulgaru, is an ancient race that has kept themselves "updated" through finding organisms with better superior genes and hunt them to increase their own gene quality. Now that's a rather beastly course of action but that's really an interesting enemy rather than just some other normal alien race or something appeared without reason and without any purpose in their attacks. To me, the Wulgaru race seems to act like an autonomous device or something, looking for patches to update itself.

Through fighting countless battles and gaining comrades and inevitably losing some as well, humanity finally reached the platform to halt the war once and for all, the Wulgaru Gate. The Gate acts as an access point for the Wulgaru to enter the solar system, kinda like a warp or some sort, and by destroying it would mean that the Wulgaru would not be able to attack Earth any longer, until they get a new Gate that is. With everyone's hard work and perseverance, the Gate was taken down, Izuru became a hero he always wanted to be and Earth regained peace, at least for a period of time.

Looking back at the series, there were still many questions left unanswered, perhaps hinting to a 2nd season? And some scenes that seemed like they were adding new elements to the plot turns out to be something less significant that it should have been and was quickly thrown aside.

On of such is the existence and origin of Teoria herself. What we do know from the series itself is that she's a Wulgaru that doesn't approve of their so-called "hunting" and has given Wulgaru technology to the humans, enabling the development of AHSMB units. It was later revealed that Izuru shares part of her DNA which she had given to create Izuru. Now what confuses me is that if she was the donor of her own DNA, then what exactly did she mean that she had "known" him since a long time ago just that Izuru does not remember it? Could it mean that Teoria had visited him in the past when he was young before, or did they meet before Izuru's memories were wiped. And regarding the truth on the memory wiping, if it was indeed done, would it mean that Izuru was created and raised until a certain age before his memories were wiped and before that Teoria had been taking care of him? Well that could be a possibility but if Izuru and the others were created, shouldn't they make them at the exact same age that they wanted instead of wasting time raising them up if their sole purpose was to fight. If so, then when exactly did Teoria and Izuru met?

Next would be on the JURIA system itself. What we know of the system is that it protects the pilot through the feature of emphasizing on pilot safety which the AHSMB unit will move in accordance to protect the pilot, not just the pilot controlling the unit itself. It also helps to amplify the pilot's will which would help to further enhance the unit's capabilities. In the later part of the series where Izuru's Red 5 awakens, it is learnt that the AHSMB units have their pilots' DNA linked to the JURIA system itself, which would make the units a counterpart of their own pilots? After Red 5's awakening, it is seen that the system does seem to have an independent will different from their pilot's which "overclocked" Izuru's body, making him suffer from a kind of genetic mutation that might prove fatal if he were to pilot the AHSMB again. This independent feature of the JURIA system was confirmed in the last episode of the series where Izuru become unable to control his own fighting instincts and the AHSMB unit itself. Throughout his battle with Jiart, it was more of the AHSMB controlling him and not the other way round which was supposed to be.

Well that nearly cost Izuru his life, until the rest of Team Rabbits came forth and knock some sense into him. Red 5 then attained the true awakening when Izuru took full control of the AHSMB unit, and aliasing himself with the unit's will to fight, but to him, he fights to protect and not by instinct.

So what exactly is the JURIA system? In the last scene, Commander Simon even called Teoria "Juria" which could mean that Teoria is the creator of the JURIA system? And what exactly is Teoria's relationship with Commander Simon? The only similar fact is that both of them had donated their DNAs for the creation of Izuru and Asagi but the duo seemed to have a much deeper history than just that. Regarding the awakening of AHSMB units as well, why is it only Red 5 can achieve such awakenings? If it is in accordance with its pilot, then shouldn't Asagi's Blue 1 be able to awaken as well? Since both he and Izuru share the same DNA. If it was the unit instead, then why did they make Red 5 to be like that? What was the reason behind it. And if it was again linked to the JURIA system and their corresponding DNA, then Asagi's should work as well, which did not happen.

I had some speculations regarding Izuru's true self that could possibly be a Wulgaru after his Red 5's awakening, turns out that it was somewhat close, that he inherited Wulgaru DNA from Teoria, so that makes Izuru half a Wulgaru then. As our main protagonist, Izuru has always wanted to become a hero and that was his dream when he joined the MJP. In the eyes of others, his dream of being a hero seemed so fictitious that no one actually took that seriously and only turned it into a punchline. For Izuru himself, saying such things normally lessens the tension the team has. As a leader of Team Rabbits, he did show many skills in terms of protecting his own team and planning instructions for everyone to work together, at the same time not daunting the abilities of the others. Asagi would turn out to be a fine leader as well, but he does have his own strengths so perhaps that was why Izuru was chosen as the leader instead. From the start at the pool when he met Teoria, I would call it love at first sight, and later at a date with her, he does seem to have develop romantic feelings for her, just that he never did tell her how he truly feels.

For the viewers, it was obvious that Kei does have feelings for Izuru after episode 13 where she defended Izuru from verbal assault from Kuroki Ange, pilot of Black 6. I would have supported the Kei X Izuru development which didn't quite become obvious at the end but it was still great to see Kei rushing to get Izuru back to his senses. They do make a wonderful couple don't they.

Kugimiya Kei one of the more focused few of the 5 protagonist, in terms to her relation with Izuru. She is a fan of making sweets that really live up to their classification as sweets since her product sweetness are usually off the charts. In episode 15 after Izuru develops a split personality into a more "cooler" self, her feelings are made known to Izuru after she blushes when being asked if she likes him but unfortunately, her cakes are more potent then it seems to be.

With some cake testing done by Izuru himself, Kei "kills" off his split personality and returns him to normal once again. Food poisoning is one thing, but Izuru returning to normal is a good thing. Well, it's a real pity the two didn't officially become a couple but it's good that such feelings didn't all go to waste. (with Kei's pit crew cheering her to win Izuru over at the last showdown.

Talking about matching couples, what serves as the most emotional scene in MJP was the lost of Team Doberman, Patrick and Randy. As we all know, Patrick does have a crush on Tamaki and the moment he told the rest that he had something to tell Tamaki when he returns from the mission, he triggers his own death flag and never did returned from the mission. It was painful to see him calling out to Tamaki before he was cut down by the enemy and he never got the chance to express his true feelings to Tamaki but it was good to see that Chandra had delivered his present to Tamaki on his behalf and that was when Tamaki finally realised that someone who loves her had been so close to her just that she did not realise it and by the time she did, it was already too late. Like in my previous post, I wasn't quite expecting anyone to die in this upbeat mecha series that takes things both seriously and at the same time, having multiple punchlines and jokes but when such scenes do happen, it can be quite sour to watch after having seen Team Doberman for so long, ever since the start of the series.

The strongest point in this series itself is the mecha battle animations. Unlike the Gundam franchise, this series adopts the more 3D style of animation as compared to Macross Frontier but this wins Macross F hands down with its complicated yet lively manoeuvres that the AHSMB units are supposed to achieve. It is really a beautiful sight to the eyes watching the mechas battle it out in such detail. The first that MJP really kept me at the edge of my seat was in episode 18 where Team Rabbits were sortied to neutralise the Wulgaru attack on Earth which was led by Klein. Boy was that entire episode so focused on the animation and with everything coordinated beautifully, it was a joy to watch and a pity that it only lasted for such a short while.

Another strength of MJP was in terms of their differentiation with the other series that took the battles in a more serious tone and the characters to be having the "I-must-protect-everyone" kind of mindset which was unlike MJP which had this sense of family and friends feel while at the same time engaging the enemy.

In and out of battles, the series never forgets to add punchlines or to make some lame jokes in between to liven up the spirits which I thought was perfect for such a series and with our 5 main protagonist to be lovable students as compared to the more serious side of student to pilot in Valvrave.

The ending wasn't exactly a perfect one, it was more like a Psycho-Pass kind of ending where the true enemy hasn't really disappeared but the peace they attained was the best that could happen at that time. True enough that the Wulgaru did not exactly disappear, they merely just lost a gate to warp to the solar system which means that the risk still exist where a new gate can be built and passage will be through once again. But leaving that possibility aside, the finale returned to the most basic dream that Izuru had from the start of the series:

"To become a Hero."

and he did.

All in all, this had been a wonderful series to follow, with all the superb action sequences and the liveliness of the series, it really is indeed an enjoyable series. Thumbs up for a good 24 episodes and hopefully there is a follow-up on this :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

AFA 2013 & Fall 2013 Charts

AFA Main Website

And the details are finally out! Same as the past years, this year AFA would be a 3 day event, with Anisong concerts on all 3 days, and said to be minimal exhibition on Friday and the usual Saturday and Sunday with stage activities. For this year's AFA Anisong concert, the lineups are pretty much the usual for Saturday, with exceptions on both Friday and Sunday.

Friday's Anisong concert seems more catered to the Nico Nico side with Egoist, DJs Hachioji P and livetune. and also motsu X DJ Kaya. Among them, I'm less familiar with the Hachioji P and the final 2 but the other 2 are rather well known to me. For Egoist, her highlight would be presumably Guilty Crown songs, like the OP and perhaps she might cover Psycho Pass's ED song as well, maybe, just maybe, supercell would tag along? Who knows? :) Every miku fan would be familiar with livetune with the Google Chrome's Tell Your World song. Since he's not exactly a singer, I would guess that he'll be remixing Miku songs on the stage? Looking at his performance in Japan, I'm guessing it would be something like this?

Saturday's Anisong lineup would consist of Eir Aoi, the vocals behind SAO's 2nd OP Innocence, the all familiar LiSA and May'N. With only 3 singers taking the stage on saturday, it could posssibly be a rather good concert with more songs being sung by each singer.

What caught my eye was the Sunday's lineup, which instead of a normal anisong concert, it has been named as "Valvrave Night". And of course this year's AFA featured anime would be Kakumeiki Valvrave. Well that wasn't surprising after seeing how prominent the singers they found for their OP song. And of course the singers of the OP would be coming as well, with not just T.M. Revolution and Nana Mizuki (NANAAAAA! :DD) but angela as well. For all these 3 singers, as a fan of Nana Mizuki, she's finally coming to Singapore! YAY! :) Going for this day would mean an extra bonus from angela and T.M. as well so why not? My only "worry" now is that the 3 day VIP package for this anisong concert would be available for sale 2 weeks ahead of the normal 1 day VIP tickets, which would of course mean that most of the seats would be already taken up by the people purchasing 3 day VIPs. Well, I would just have to see the available seatings during the sale date itself. If it's still alright, then I'll just go for the VIP if not then just the normal standard would do.

For the event tickets, this years ticket pricing remains the same for the Event + Stage ticket, at $20 per day while the event only ticket has increased from $8 to $10. Sunday's E+S ticket would be included already in the anisong ticket so I would only have to purchase the saturday's one... Will have to see the stage activities before buying the stage access. Based on past experience, perhaps just the normal event ticket would suffice for the saturday's one.

That's all for now, so yup, looking forward to this years AFA experience! :)

Fall 2013 Anime Chart

Click here for full chart

It does seem that there's this trend of good anime series being aired close to the end of the year, and of course, this year's isn't any exception. So among all, here's a couple of them that caught my attention:

Nagi no Asukara

Seems like a slice-of-life series coupled with romance and a little supernatural elements? Not quite sure about the supernatural part but the art and music looks and sounds good too.

Log Horizon

1st thought that came into my mind was "wa? another SAO?" truthfully speaking, this series does have some rather heavy SAO similarities. Adapted from its own novel, it is a story about players of a MMORPG getting whisked away into another world similar to the game that they play. Now that sounds rather similar isit it? Wouldn't mind to see another "gamer perspective" type of anime series but I think I'm rather sure that this wouldn't be close to the reality of SAO itself, with its own menus and logout options and stuff like that.

Galilei Donna

An original anime series by A-1 Pictures. Seems to focus on the descendants of the Galileo Galilei, seems rather mysterious at this point in time, but mystery animes are always good to go.

Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season

Well, its about time they begin to explain whatever that happened over in the 1st season. So many questions left unanswered and so many new elements that were added in that made no sense. C'mon Ichiro Okouchi, please let me feel the same impact from this original story near the same level of Code Geass! :)

Tokyo Ravens

Similar to Log Horizon, I had a sense of nostalgia from Ga-Rei after watching the PV. Adapted from the light novel, the story revolves around the descendent of a certain occult practitioner who does not have the ability to see spirit energy, only to reunite with his childhood friend who is the next one to succeed his group.   Supernatural series? Definitely watching this!

Strike the Blood

1st impression as usual: Darker than Black... people with supernatural abilities? Animation wise, it looks promising too. And its the usual demon + slayer type of combination so I guess the storyline could be rather mundane

Kyoukai no Kanata

One of the most promising series in this upcoming season, and it's finally an action packed series by KyoAni! Their previous work on Chuunibyou got my tricked over its own preview that it was a kind of supernatural series, turns out to be a cute romance series that nonetheless was still great in that aspect. Definitely watching this too.

Little Busters ~Refrain~

And of course, the much awaited 2nd season of Little Busters! Possibly following the footsteps of Clannad, this season will unveil the true world that Riki had vision of in the 1st season. I don't expect the craziness and the happy atmosphere to continue long enough in Refrain and I bet many tear-jerker moments will be included in that. Definitely ready for the revelation of the true world of Little Busters!


The preview has been hanging around since 2 years ago and now finally after a couple of OVAs, its time for its TV series to arrive! Really unique animation style and storyline.

BlazBlue Alter Memory

Finally after so long, BlazBlue is getting its own anime series! Having finished their game in story mode, I can say that the game does have the potential to become a rather good quality anime series, unless they try to focus more on the character vs character battles which I believe will destroy the series, just follow the storyline and it'll be fine. Am still waiting for God Eater to be adapted too, that has an amazing storyline too so if BlazBlue has been adapted, I'm guessing it wouldn't be long before God Eater gets one too.


And to end it off, here's a cute song from Nisemonogatari, Platinum Disco

and not forgetting the dance itself too. well the harmonica is awesome too :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hatsune Miku

初音ミク, Virtual Singer

Looking back, I first got to know about Hatsune Miku around 2008, that's like about 6 years ago and all the craze about her is still going strong, not only in Japan but also on an international level.

The first time I saw Miku was through this video I saw on Youtube:

What popped into my mind was "wait... what? just who is this girl swinging this leek around?"

That sparked my curiosity which later not just made me a fan of Miku but also of this revolutionary technology.

So just who exactly is this girl? Is she from an anime or a cartoon? A mere gif image? For those that have not yet heard of her, she is Hatsune Miku, a Vocaloid created by Crypton Future Media. Nope, she's still not an anime character, to be precise, she's a persona created for a Singing Synthesizer program called the Vocaloid Software. The Vocaloid Software is a program that enables users to make the program "sing" their songs for them. For example, one only need to input lyrics of a certain song into the program, adjust the pitches / tone / length to sing that particular note etc, and woola, you just made the program sing your very own song!

For each Vocaloid, such as Miku herself, she has her own special voice bank, with the voice data provided by a real singer. For Miku, her voice comes from a seiyuu, Saki Fujita. As Miku is a Japanese vocaloid, she isn't actually capable of pronouncing english words clearly, which later versions of her started to improve on that, until today's latest version 3 of Hatsune Miku which has her english capabilities enhanced.

For some people who hear Miku for the very first time, what commonly comes out of their mouth was that this singer's songs are all auto-tuned! Well, duh... This is a computer program singing, not a real person.

Then the next question would be, just how popular is she?

Hatsune Miku was mainly made popular over Nico Nico Douga, where people started uploading their own songs, sung by Miku, which then later included Youtube as well and Miku's popularity started climbing. Some of her more famous songs include:

World is Mine

Love is War


and the more latest few such as


Secret Police

Tell Your World

Not only did people contributed to the songs under Hatsune Miku, Miku has since made a difference to many. These are 2 examples for which I'm most familiar with: huke and Supercell.

Huke is an illustrator that has worked for companies before becoming a freelance illustrator and on one day he created this original character called Black Rock Shooter.

Ryo from Supercell took notice of this character and got inspired to make a song about Black Rock Shooter which later became a hit among many and BRS started getting popular spawning an original video animation or OVA for short, a TV anime series, a game and many other merchandises. Through the song, huke's illustrations caught the eyes of many as well and he was later drawing for the original characters of Nitroplus's Steins;Gate which also became famous for its amazing art and storyline and later spawned many merchandises as well. The song "Black Rock Shooter" was also one of the first few Miku songs that I've heard and I would say that I've waited many years before BRS got noticed by animation companies and decided to make an OVA for her. Boy was I happy at that time. I honestly wasn't expecting BRS to be adapted as an animation but was hoping that it would. And it did :)

Supercell is a doujin music group and consisted of singers, illustrators and song writers. The group started out by making music through Miku and released their first Miku album in 2008, which consisted of Melt, Black Rock Shooter, World is Mine, Love is War and many others. Sony Music later took notice of them after their songs became very popular in Nico Nico. Supercell later started to stream into the music industry as a actual music band, not only producing music with actual vocalists but more Miku songs as well. Most of the 1st few Miku songs that I've heard were composed by Ryo from Supercell so I guess thats why Supercell has that special touch with Miku to me.

It was only just in 2009 that Miku started to appear on the screens, and that was where the world got introduced to this "virtual concert". A projection of Miku moving about, singing and dancing along as though she was performing in a real concert while having a real band perfoming her music at the back. It was a revolutionary technological breakthrough that no one knew that even such virtual concerts could have such popularity. Later in that same year, Miku performed in her very first overseas concert here in Singapore at AFA 2009. It was a very short clip, wasn't an actual projection screen or a hologram-like concert, but nonetheless, it was amazing to see Miku "programmed" for Singapore viewers! My next concert experience with Miku was in 2011 where it was the real hologram-projection-screen concert that was made famous in Japan and they were bringing it to Singapore at AFA 2011. Nonetheless I bought the tickets which got sold out pretty fast, the management even had to open up more tickets during the actual day to accommodate more Miku fans!

I can still remember that day where I was frantically swinging my lightstick around throughout the whole concert and it was really an amazing experience.

Some people might ask that why pay so much to watch a concert where there is no actual person singing? Or why do you like such virtual songs? To me, Miku is more than just a virtual singer but instead, I see it as a separate music industry and a platform for many new music lovers who have the talent of composing songs but lack the ability to sing or to find someone to sing for them. Miku has also been a common interest and a common talking point amongst many with more and more songs appearing in Nico Nico and on Youtube and people listen and share those songs, making more and more people take notice of this amazing singer. Google Chrome took notice of Miku's popularity and made her a mascot:

In that video, we see Miku as a interconnection for people all over the world, connecting people. For a Miku song, a person in Japan could have composed the song, another person in another country could have come up with the dance step and another, her song video animation and another, possibly the background music. Even though they might not know each other but with Miku as the central pillar, many contributes to each other, creating this wonderful interconnected world of Vocaloid songs. To me, Miku is the core of many original songs, some may sound weird, some might sound slightly off-paced, some might sound so-so and some might sound catchy but all in all, they are all original songs produced by music lovers and I appreciate listening to each and every of those songs. For those who have yet to get in touch with Hatsune Miku, now is the time to do so! :)

And to end off, here's a clip of Miku's live concert in Taiwan:

Everyone, Creator