Sunday, February 17, 2013


Back last week on Boku wa Tomodachi no Sukunai NEXT, when a fake time travel device made by Rika made Kodaka reveal his secret that he and Yozora were actually childhood friends, I had looked forward to what could happen next since that's really plot breaking in many ways:

Firstly, the whole neighbour club was set up in order for the club members to learn how to make friends (although it's getting a little lame that they still do not see each other as friends yet...) and in light of Kodaka and Yozora's relationship in the past, it would seem like the two were friends before and had joined this club, all the while knowing that they were still friends, just that that was in the past. So does the neighbour club still have a place for them?

Secondly, what would the others actually think? For Sena, perhaps it was the romance sided question that she might question Kodaka. She might not realise it yet but she does harbour some feelings for Kodaka and knowing that Yozora and Kodaka were childhood friends, it does seem that she had just lost an advantage if she ever had any. And for the rest? Acknowledge that they were still friends? Or perhaps probe on what exactly happened in the past. 

It was all hopes and wishes that the climax of the series would finally appear, but WAIT. how about : no. 

That was exactly what the latest episode brought to the viewers. Almost nothing particular about the whole "childhood friend" saga. All it took was Yozora saying that it was the truth and that saying it out would have no benefit or whatsoever. And that was all that it was for the conclusion of the supposedly good climax. I had been expecting more, and I believe many others too, about the secret being finally let out of the bag... The large load of the episode instead focused on the normal everyday activities in the club, and Yozora and Sena may be becoming friends after Sena's honest opinion on Yozora. Disappointing plot progression... Does the "childhood friend" saga makes no meaning?!


On the other hand, I am very impressed over how the plot for Sasami-san@Ganbaranai has progressed so far. And with the latest episode: I was speechless over the last part of the episode and an epic cliffhanger to boot. Awesome much?

First it all started with a vision of Sasami's deceased mother, which was perceived to be an illusion at 1st, and then later, Sasami got to go shopping and have fun with her like a normal family. Which I thought was an alteration of the world by Sasami who might have wished to spend time with her mother again... Until the atmosphere started to get serious and her mother was actually real, returned from the dead to remind Sasami of her mission as a Tsukuyomi priestess and to use her alteration to help the world progress.

Coming to Sasami's rescue were the 3 Yagami sisters who are divine beings but were powerless upon Sasami's mother, who held the sword that could slay divine beings and at the same time, have the protection of the underworld. And what we got was:

the 3 sisters, 2 were defeated, with Tsurugi being sent into the underworld and Tama being spared after Sasami gave in to her mother's request and she brings Sasami over to the "real" world where she can become a Tsukuyomi priestess.

Now that leaves a question behind: was the fall of the Yagami sisters all a lie? And that the world that Sasami saw who had them defeated was a fake and her mother had brought her to the real world? Or could the "real" world be the analogy on the world that Sasami should be in, in her shrine to train, rather than the "fake" outside world of freedom and joy in life. I was pretty surprised over the lack of Kamiomi's presence over this episode, but boy does this keep the tension high. Was glued to the screen over the last few scenes. And of course another cliffhanger to end it all. Bravo.


What came just as surprising as Sasami was the preview of the upcoming episode of Shin Sekai Yori. Although there might have been hints hinting to the last foe that Saki and Satoru would face, the possibility has risen again after looking at:


The possiblity of Maria being the fiend is definitely not zero and seeing how the previous few episodes had played out, the chances are, it might be true. Seeing how the ED of the series had become the insert where Maria and Saki had separated, and that Saki's being constantly reminded of Maria, I see no way that Maria is actually dead and that she won't be making a comeback. Acknowledging the fact that Maria and Mamoru had been left with the queerats before they leave Saki and the others, it adds on to the possibility that somehow she had begun working with Yakomaru. Perhaps she just wants revenge for Mamoru who was forced out of the village after deeming his existence as useless? I really wouldn't be surprised if Maria was the fiend itself. Next episode please!


wonderful cover IMO, do want the tabs @_@

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