Sunday, October 4, 2009

umineko never ceases to amaze me... an amazing magical battle almost made Battler lose it all... i mean how can u prove something not magical when u can summon towers, soldiers, throw spears out of nowhere and revive urself... in the end Virgilia, Beatrice's teacher, goes on to help Battler. i LOL-ed when Beatrice was commented by her butler that her laugh was not elegant =/ at least now it gets interesting with Beatrice almost spamming red words till her butler stops her. it could turn out good for Battler in the end =)

aizen has FINALLY made a move in bleach's latest manga chapter but the attention was quickly shifted to wonderweiss who i believe still has some amazing power in him that has not yet been released... KHR's manga is still moving on with the fight between the funeral wrath and hibari and dino. apparently they can now transform their entire body into a box weapon since the box was embedded in them... HnG's manga is now showing the aftermath of Hina who has heard that Hayate loves A-tan... wonder how would Ayumu react when she hears it from Hina... and Hayate's now getting invited by A-tan into her house but sadly he did not have much strength left after fighting A-tan's butler.

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun has begun and it now focuses on Mikoto and Kuroko rather than Index and Touma. it was a nice opening for the anime by showing the power of Kuroko and Mikoto. apparently Mikoto was so strong that she had to undergo testing in a pool to absorb the excess shock =.= the ending song was REALLY GREAT =D and it shows a scene where i believe is Touma, walking past her... so i doubt Touma would get any spotlight at all in this series... or maybe they hadnt even met in this series.

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