Saturday, April 4, 2009

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

K-ON! 1

Yui wakes up from her alarm clock and realises that she was late for her first day in high school. She rushes out after changing and with biting a piece of bread, Yui rushes to school. She finally reaches the school and realises that she had got the timing all wrong. Yui was looking all around her during assembly and was delighted that she was finally a high school student. She was quickly surrounded by many club members and were inviting her to join their clubs but apparently she does not get interested in any of them. Even her friend, Nodoka, was shocked to hear that she had not decided on a club yet. Ritsu goes to find Mio and asks her to go look at the clubs with her and tears up Mio's club application so that she will go with her. The two of them went to check out the Light Music Club and found that it was going to be suspended since all the seniors have graduated. Yui was handed a task to accomplish from her teacher but she gets all worked up after seeing Mio and Ritsu that she drops the print-outs and banged her head against the table after trying to get them back. She leaves a image of her being an extremely clumsy person. Ritsu and Mio goes to the music room and waits for members to come and join them. Tsumugi happens to come by and gets counted in as a member of the club already by Ritsu who shows to her that Mio and her have promised to make a band before which turns out to be just her own imagination. The three of them later meets up to think of a way to get the last member before their dateline arrives and Ritsu was already going way off topic. Yui sees the poster for the club and gets interested in it after thinking how well she did with the Castanets when she was young. She fills up her form and goes to check it out. Ritsu and the others finds out that Yui was joining the club and gets elated and thinks that she must be a professional guitarist. They try to let her feel enjoyable which made Yui feel even harder to reveal that she does not know how to play the guitar. She then stands up and reveal it to everyone but they were still thinking of keeping her since they need one more member or the club will be closed. They went to find all sorts of things just to keep Yui with the club. After hearing the others playing as a band, Yui appluaded and comments that it was not that good but was interested in learning the guitar and the four of them takes a photo together to commemorate the rebirth of the Light Music Club.

*ok... i'm not familiar with the series yet so thats why the flight seems amazingly long XDDD... this series remind me of Clannad and not becos they are from the same company but that Clannad also focused on the revival of the drama club, similarly to the Light Music Club. If i'm not wrong, K-ON means Light Music... much entertaining antics throughout the episode and many chibi scenes as well... i'm getting more and more hooked into the series and the songs =)*

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