Wednesday, February 11, 2009

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Chrome Shelled Regios 5

Layfon had came to Zuellni to change himself who has been fighting all along in the past. Nina suggests that they should go and watch other inter-platoon matches as it helps but Layfon says that he has something on. On the way back, Layfon gets kicked again by Felli after he thinks about what Nina has told him about counting on him so as to prevent Layfon from getting the wrong idea. At the inter-platoon match, Layfon did not make it and was having lunch with Meichen instead. He brings her to the maid cafe he had went with Sharnid before and seems attracted to the ongoing inter-platoon match. Meichen then shows her cookies that she had baked and although Layfon was bad at sweet things, he decided to taste them and found that it was delicious. Just then, a huge tremor was felt throughout Zuellni and the city has stopped moving. Larvae-stage filth monsters then come swarming around Zuellni. It has seemed that Zuellni has stepped onto a cave and the larvaes there find food in the city much more convenient then eating their queen. Layfon returns to see Nina getting ready to fight and tells her to evacuate as she has no experience fighting them and she would die. Nina ignores him and goes onto the battlefield. Nina was shocked to see how powerful those filth monsters are and they were in great numbers as well. Layfon then decides to fight again and gets his dite tuned with 2 settings and got Felli to locate the queen. Nina almost got eaten up by them after getting injured but Layfon easily killed it off and many others as well before going to the queen. He thinks now that he has to fight even now just to survive and kills the queen off. Nina waits for Layfon and is happy to see him return from the outside world as his lungs would not take it for more than five minutes. Layfon then falls onto Nina after being too tired and Nina pats his head, praising him for doing a great job.

*great actions in this episode as well so Layfon was the only guy that can take the filth monsters head-on, even Nina has difficulty killing one off as well. Layfon just swing here swing there then all were killed off, gosh... overkill... next episode seems hilarious as well with a chibi form of Felli in the preview XDDD*

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