Friday, March 21, 2008

Clannad has finally ended T.T last episode 22, i finished it just now in RAW = no sub o.0 only able to understand some but it was worth it =) i shall now give a brief summary of the last epi of a GREAT anime : nagisa's play was finally up but she was still restless after finding out that her parents had actually gave up on their careers in order to look after nagisa and when she was on the stage she cried but was able to pull herself together after hearing cheers and clarifications that it was alright from her parents and tomoya as well... she managed to finish her play and there it finally linked to the dream again and it was rather sad to see that only the girl and the robot was in the vast world that everyone was gone... after that nagisa and tomoya sat on a platform and chatted when tomoya's dad came to see him and said something but before he left, tomoya said something which i didnt understand =X and his father left with a smile, the anime then shows years later after nagisa and tomoya graduated and they were still going out together and having fun and then they returned to the drama club room and then nagisa saw a name written there and if i'm not wrong its nagisa's and half of tomoya's name I THINK and then nagisa finish writing the other name and then slowly tomoya confessed his love towards nagisa and there it concluded the story of CLANNAD. well, i'm looking forward to next week as they're gonna have a special epi of clannad and i'm definitely looking forward to it, luckily it wasnt that sad as the movie but it ended all right, sadly another GREAT and AWESOME anime has ended haiz =/ but i'm looking forward to the newer animes, GRATS CLANNAD on being on of the top fav animes =) kudos to clannad!! a truly remarkable anime indeed

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